
A mobile application based on a task for reward, crowd-sourcing concept, which employs users for on the fly market research tasks.


The application accelerates the generation of data and intelligence, making projects simpler, more real, more cost effective, and ultimately, more successful. The platform enables business owners to collect real time situations, authentic opinions and emotions.

The project brief was to rebuild a white-labelled application, overhauling the look and feel and iconography. The re-imagined UX created an improved account profile management with reward badges and rewards to motivate user engagement.



Scoutss had a legacy, white label application which did not match the company's brand identity or the comprehensive market research information that the company wished to collect from their users. Initial interviews with the product owners resulted in a wealth of different market research templates being discussed and loosely sketched out. 

Key Insights & Challenges

  • UI: The legacy platform’s UI was “too small”, “ugly”, “confusing”, “old”, “didn’t feel like part of the company”. 

  • Functionality: Many forms of market research data collection were not available on the legacy application  

  • Rewards: The legacy system did not allow users to be rewarded for the time conducting market research. This was core to the business model.  



  • Stake-holder and in-house developer interviews and collaboration sessions.

  • Deep dive into existing platform (white label).

  • Research of native application patterns (Android Material Design and iOS Human Interface).

  • Wireframing (Adobe Illustrator) and look and feel were undertaken in tandem.

  • Building a comprehensive prototype in Invision for testing. 

  • Waterfall methodology of handing over entire design patterns to development.



  • The waterfall ‘design everything prior to handoff’ is inefficient but does offer comfort to non-technical clients.

  • Invision was an inefficient tool for the prototype. 

  • Building wireframes in a live environment and then both linking to the full database and also styling later may have been a better option.

  • The development team used several JS frameworks for the filters which caused a confliction headache. This would have been alleviated by a more Agile approach.  



Architecture, wireframing, prototyping, UI, project management. 



Sketch (Wireframes, Visual Design, UI/UX Deliverables), Adobe Illustrator, Zeplin (Development Handoff), Invision (Prototypes)



Mobile app