
Beneple in an affordable online platform offering small and medium businesses the ability to fully automate HR processes in a simple, easy to use portal.


Beneple enlisted Mokus to redesign the UX and reengineer the legacy MVP platform, building on a round of early stage funding, to greatly improve the features and existing functionality such as document tracking, company calendars, and the ability for HR users to monitor company culture and demographic in real time. 



With an OTTB MPV already in place the initial starting point was to analyse what key features stakeholders were already using, how they could be improved, and which features they would like to be included in the rebuild. Interviews with owners, sales reps, and several existing clients were conducted over several half day sessions. Finding formed the basis of discussions with the development team to establish a complexity versus value model. From this we could extrapolate and prioritise feature releases.

Key Insights & Challenges

  • Features: Many features valued by users were missing from the MVP, such as calendars, documental storage, new account setup.

  • Navigation: Users were easily lost in the product.  

  • Account management: The platform lacked multiple account management, which made it impractical for security.  

  • No clear access point: The homepage dived straight into a directory which gave little indication of other features. 

  • Limited loyalty: The platform didn’t have a ‘hook’ for users to sign in everyday.   

  • Weak search / filtering: Searching for employee records, documents, requests wasn’t possible.



  • Sales rep and product owner interviews and collaboration sessions

  • Deep dive into the existing platform.

  • Key feature discussions with developers documenting complexity vs value.

  • Employee onboarding, search and filtering were concluded to have the greatest impact.

  • Discovery and documentation of employee onboarding user journeys. 

  • Wireframing adhering to developer complexity / suggested release phases.

  • Research of HRM systems such as Peoplesoft, Visier. 

  • Research of common database search and filtering systems.  

  • Prototyping and presentation of features to product owners. 

  • Prototyping and presentation of product sections to product owners.


Taking an iterative approach we focused on retaining all features from the MVP and then adding and improving key features which were our research suggested would retain and grow the current client base. 

The four key features and the improvements included:

  1. Employee onboarding and adding, editing, deleting employees.

  2. Workforce database search, filters, ordering.

  3. Homepage improvements to the entry points and inclusion of a todo list.

  4. Shared company calendar showing types of calendar entries



Product strategy, architecture, wireframing, prototyping and UI, project management.



Rima Al Sheikh (Founder / CTO)

Abdullah Bakhach (COO / PM)

Kyle Finley (Frontend / JS)

Waqas Mehmood (PM / QA)

Márton Boros (Developer)

Rami Alameddine (QA)

Sergey Maranchuk (Backend Python)


Sketch (Wireframes, Visual Design, UI/UX Deliverables), Zeplin (Development Handoff), Invision (Prototypes), GitLab, Trello



Web app (desktop, tablet, mobile)


Corporate marketing site design for the platform